Carl Francka, owner of Area Real EstateServices, has been in the business of property management for more than 26 years. His expertise in overseeing all aspects of property management, including accounting, collections and contracted services, have resulted in Area Real Estate currently managing 18 HOA's ranging in size from 20 homes to 400.


  Area Real Estate is small enough to give you the personalized attention you deserve and large enough to provide you with years of resources and experience. Our goal is to alleviate the stress associated with either owning properties which are rental investments or the daily tasks of managing a homeowner association.


  Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. although we are available for emergencies 24 hours a day from your tenants or homeowners in the associations we manage.


  We would be glad to provide references upon request.


   Please visit the HOA Management Tab or Info for Property Owners for more detailed information on the services we provide.